
Poppit in the Poppies

Just like I was waiting for the flowering tree to bloom, I have also been waiting for this field of poppies.  One of the nicknames we have for our youngest daughter is Poppit, and it was about time for a photo shoot with her.  She is a sweetie pie and was so excited about all of the ladybugs we were finding.  I have been scrapbooking like a crazy woman for the last week, so you get the scrapbook page version.


Megan said...

Love all your pictures! I am glad to see your blog, you are so talented. I finally got that photography book...now I just need time to read it;) I never signed those release things for the twins. Let me know if you still want me to.

Unknown said...

The colors and details are amazing! I have to ask did you do any retouching in photoshop? ...www.roygroething.com | Provide editorial photography Services

Corinner-Elly said...

Awww! I miss that little Poppit so much!!!

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